Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Winter Weight Loss Secrets

One of the greatest tests of one's determination and willpower is the holiday season, but with the right choices and supplements, losing weight or keeping weight off can be effortless.

Tip #1: Increase Fiber Intake
It's no secret that fiber is very filling, therefore making you eat less.Most Americans do not get the recommended 30 grams of fiber daily . Here are some ways to do it.

•Stevia with inulin, a type of fiber, is an effective way to get your daily extra just by sipping your morning coffee or tea. explains that Stevia is a zero-calorie sweetener from Asia 100 times stronger than sugar so less is needed.
•Flaxseed oil with lignans is another excellent source of fiber. Two or three tablespoons per day is essential to reaping the full benefits of this miraculous supplement. It even helps with fat-loss because it helps replace bad fat with good fat in the body. The omega-3s in flaxseed oil also helps with allergies, depression, endometriosis and even cancer prevention.

Tip #2: Eat More Yogurt, Drink More Milk
Drink a glass of milk (or Lactaid, if you're lactose-intolerant) and watch the pounds melt away. According to a study that appeared in the April 2004 issue of Obesity Research and done by the University of Tennessee in Knoxville, obese adults who ate a high dairy diet lost significantly more weight and fat than those who ate a low-dairy diet containing the same number of calories and that calcium supplements alone will not work. Try fat-free hot chocolate using fat-free milk, cocoa powder and stevia with inulin.

Tip #3: Eat An Apple
Hungry late at night? Eat an apple. Apples contain the fiber pectin, which will fill your belly and help the blood sugar stabilize before you sleep. You will go to the bathroom in the morning and want to thank me. Apple crisp and apple pie do not count!

Tip #4: Cut Down On Coffee and Alcohol To Shrink The Belly
Belly fat can be from a number of factors, but the most common is poor diet accompanied by stress. According to The Cortisol Connection by Shawn M. Talbott, Ph.D, stress causes storage of fat in the belly. Caffeine causes cortisol levels and stress levels to surge. Its all a domino effect. There

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